Early in this year we took away his binky... by 'we' I really mean Tyler...because I was afraid it would disrupt my perfect sleeper. It did, my boy who would grab his blanket and binky and run for nap started fighting sleep the second we took it away. He still fights it, but he's improving.
Zeke's long floppy hair seemed to be getting a little bit poofy, and we decided to cut it short for the hot summer months. I was quite amazed how much I missed his long floppy hair, he looked so big to me, but I knew his hair would probably grow back quickly. Also, this summer we went to Colorado and letting my "Wild Thing" toddler loose on the mountains was a really amazing thing.
He is a joy and his laughter is contagious. I can't think of a day that goes by that he doesn't make us laugh out loud. He enjoys the simple things in life, actually he enjoys almost everything in life.
He has a love for all living things. I love seeing his tender heart. He just cares, and it's adorable.
He is extremely expressive, he has about a hundred thousand facial expressions and voices. He likes singing loudly to Elmo or the tune of The Nutcracker. He likes wearing his Superman cape with a Batman mask and...Vi's tutu. He actually really loves tutus. While I know Tyler doesn't love it, we love watching him mimic his big sister, because of course, he loves her probably most of all.
I can't really turn my back on him and expect to find him doing anything but being...adventurous. We really try to encourage his adventurous side, so I guess we shouldn't expect any less...but sometimes it's hard to keep up with. Most of the time when I'm not looking, I find him being extremely disgusting...usually something to do with his dirty diaper... but let's not go there, trying to focus on all these wonderful things about my son...not the disgusting.
I looked away and he started driving away in the golf cart at my grandparents farm! |