This isn't even real. I've just randomly blogged 12 previous blogs about my daughter and what, now all of a sudden she's a teenager? Un. Real. There's really no way to prepare for the fact that you have a baby, and watch them grow with wonder and awe as they become toddlers, stumbling all over the place, then they become kids who read and write and play and develop cool personalities....then all of a sudden they're like, ok I'm a teen now. Having kids is insane, but incredibly amazing.

It's been an absolutely crazy year of change and growth for Vi. As we wrapped up our last year of homeschooling, she really seemed to show appreciation for all the things that came with it; lots of outside time, extra reading time, a flexible schedule, getting to do school on the couch or outside, while she also expressed a wide variety of concerns for public middle school. We talked about it....a LOT. It's hard to prepare your kids for a whole new environment, we did our best and discussed all possible scenarios to help know what to expect, and we had a ton of friends who helped along the way! I watched as she would go from super anxious, to excited for the opportunities, and back to nervous, but slowly having more peace about it.

We used summer time to do as many things together as we possibly could, but also Vi used the time to train for yet another triathlon, and joined the swim team. Her friend talked her into joining the competitive team and she loved the longer meets and hanging out with friends. We also did zoo trips, biking treks, nature walks, board games, kayaking, trampoline parks, gardens, time with cousins, and overall enjoyed all our time together.

School started and you know, middle school is not really anyone's favorite memory. Genevieve's first impression was that "middle school boys are the worst!", so guess we don't have to be concerned about her suddenly becoming boy crazy or anything. However, school itself? She actually loves it. She loves that she has made friends, she loves all her teachers, she loves orchestra, the library, she loves that she got to join battle of the books and cross country, she loves that there is a crafts club and running club, and recently, she started a science club! It has had it's ups and downs, social interactions that can be...complicated. We have found that while she tested excellently, the organization skills are...lacking. There are some days where all she wants to do when she gets home is sit in her room and decompress by reading a book, and other days she wants to talk nonstop telling us about every detail in every class. Overall, she has knocked this whole going to school thing out of the park.

Vi loved cross country, and it was fun watching her times improve over the course of the season. At the end of the season the coach sent out information for Cross Country regionals in South Dakota. Immediately I was like "pass" and immediately Vi was like "absolutely" and signed herself up. I talked to the coach, with all sorts of excuses why next year would likely be better, and he countered with all sorts of reasons why it would overall be really good for her. She was the only girl who signed up, and possibly the only 7th grader. Yet she showed up for all the practices, she ran on her own with the practice instruction sheet the coach set up for her, and we drove to South Dakota and this event was HUGE. Thousands of runners from all over the midwest starting a race every couple of hours for different age groups and such. It was a crazy event, and she met and beat her personal race goal, and was very proud of all the work she put in.

Last year Vi picked up the cello because her friend told her the best teacher at middle school was the orchestra teacher. She has never regretted that choice and has really grown in her skills as she went from homeschool class once a week to daily class. The concert we went to was so much fun and a joy to watch and listen to!
Vi has stayed true to herself. Middle schoolers don't always value that trait when it's a little different from what everyone else is doing, and I'm really proud that despite the pressures, Vi is still confident in who she wants to be. She is funny, quirky, thoughtful, talkative, messy, creative, intrigued by so so many different things, and cares about people around her. It has been a pretty rough season for our family, and she has shown so much grace and compassion while experiencing and processing her own emotions, and I couldn't be more proud of her.
But really, what a great year it's been, I think these teen years are going to be....less reason to be terrified than I had built it up to be in my head. I know this girl, she's pretty cool, and although we'll butt heads I'm sure, cause we already do, she is the coolest 13 year old I know, and she continues to grow into the most wonderful young lady.