Thursday, March 6, 2025

Zeke turns 12

   We no longer have "kids" in our house, we are a household of teens and tweens.  Crazy.  This age always seemed scary from a distance, but now that we're's just new challenges and new adventures.  We're still parenting our growing offspring and constantly being amazed at their growth, development and personhood.  Zeke is probably the most consistent in our house....which is hilarious to point out as he is also the most chaotic in our household.  Scrolling back through old blogs and reading about this of fun, chaotic ball of adventurous energy, he has pretty much been the same since he entered this world.  

       I wish everyone could see life through the lens of wonder and adventure that we always get to see Zeke view things.  When we did my 40th birthday world traveling trip, I had a couple friends suggest leaving the kids home, so we could enjoy it without you  While I understand the sentiment, to enjoy some adult time and such, but let me tell you, getting to see new parts of the world, ESPECIALLY Iceland, with this boy was half the magic.  He's so appreciative of beauty, and sentimental about it as well.   He will reminisce about the scenery and how he felt in the moment as he observed so much wonder.   He wants to take it all in, and hold on to it as long as possible. 

     While he has always been kind hearted, thoughtful and empathetic, in the past he has tended to often be blindly agreeable, and we are starting to see a little surly attitude peaking through from time to time.   We have seen him start to communicate his discontent with friends or his sister, and of course, his parents.   Which oddly enough, has been a really good thing for us to start to see.   We used to worry about him being taken advantage of, or walked all over, and as he gets older and is starting to express and find himself more, we have been able to talk a lot out with him and see so much growth as he navigates the growing world around him.  He is learning balance.  He is also learning to find the equilibrium of humor and kindness, and we see that most played out with his sister.   I have to admit, we have been incredibly lucky that they have always gotten along for the most part....but they are really getting on each others nerves these days and it's been a lot of lessons on boundaries, respect, kindness, and humility.  Siblings are really great for life lessons.   But when it comes down to it, he is fiercely protective of his sister, and cares a lot about what she thinks of him.

    While learning balance has been a great growing characteristic we have seen this year...what we can learn from Zeke....what everyone could contentment.  And enjoying the most in every moment.
I have never met anyone in my life who is as content as he is at home doing things he loves.   He won't run errands with us cause he'd rather just be sitting at home with his dog reading a book, or playing a board game, or having his screen time, or doing art, or playing with his cars or toys or Legos, or hanging outside with his neighbor friends.  His greatest concern recently was that he would be too busy on his actual birthday and he wouldn't have time to "chill at home with Chupa".   His words exactly.  He is so appreciative of the times we get to slow down and spend time as a family playing board games or going camping that you almost forget this is the same child who climbs walls with all his energy.  Last spring while camping for two nights, he was laying in the hammock staring up at the trees and he told me "thanks for bringing us camping, this is my favorite, I love relaxing outside".   When starting to write this blog I confessed to Tyler, sometimes I struggle reflecting on Zeke's year because he's so content with whatever he's doing he kind of just...disappears from my direct attention.   But it's his contented happiness that actually stands out. 

       We are a household who loves music, and he really enjoys having a soundtrack to his life, and often puts the music on in the background himself.   He has his fathers talent of quickly learning lyrics and being able to sing along with hundreds of songs.  He loves this band called Stop Light Observations and when we saw they were finally coming to Lawrence, we quickly got tickets.  It was a great show, our whole family loves the band.   Zeke...well, Zeke had a moment.   He saw Imagine Dragons live, so this wasn't technically his first concert.   But the experience of seeing a band you really love, in a small dingy club, and stand at the front and just get to jam out to the songs you love....this is pure bliss.  People around us commented at the joy of getting to see him experience this moment.  At the end of the show the lead singer gave him the set list, which Zeke framed and hung in his room.   He has since been asking when he can go to another show. 

        It's been a fun year filled with new adventures and experiences, and the joy Zeke brings to each is always fun to share.