When it passed I asked my super informed cousin, Jason, what that meant...for me.
Jason: well depending on how poor you are you will either be covered by medicaid
4:08 PM or if you make to much money for that you will have to buy insurance or have to pay a tax by 2015
me: how do you know if you're too poor
i think i'm too poor
so you have to apply for medicaid?
4:09 PM Jason: hold on one sec, earlier i found a caluclator
Alright I think, hope this is easy to follow because I don't really care what happens to everyone else, I just want to know how this will affect my husband and myself. Sure enough, it was pretty simple and I discovered we would quite easily qualify for Medicaid. I wasn't sure how I felt about that in and of itself though. I thought about it, and hated the idea of it, but what else are we going to do?
Then I discovered this: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/07/05/156312388/medicaid-expansion-whos-in-whos-out
This link is a picture map of the state-by-state analysis of the medicaid expansion. Kansas is out. " So the states can skip of the expansion and only miss out on those federal funds that would have gone toward it"
sprained wrist from cleaning accident |
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torn ligament from tripping on the trail after hiking The Incline |
bruised arm from air bag, little did I know that my shoulder was the real injury |
So here I am, kind of disappointed that I now don't qualify for the coverage that I didn't agree with in the first place. One thing that I was kind of looking forward to was being on Medicaid because I legally "had" to. Why you ask? Because as I just mentioned, I had my first baby by being on Medicaid. I know there are ways around it, we could have saved up and paid cash for her to be born, except we moved during that time and Tyler didn't have work right away, once he started working we were in catch up mode and there was NO way we could have had the cash to pay for her birth up front. I also know of the birthing center, and while I am totally down, my husband was NOT comfortable with that. So after not knowing what to do, and freaking out about being uninsured after Tyler got laid off, and moving, my cousin Amanda encouraged me into applying for Medicaid. She reminded me, "I know it's a flawed system, but it's in place to help people like you. People who are hard working, live within their means and just need help at the moment". She also said a bunch of other really nice things, but in general, ESPECIALLY within the Christian community, any kind of government assistance is SO looked down upon that I was constantly feeling ashamed and guilty for using it to have my child.
If you look closely there's a scratch across my forehead, fortunately I walked into a tree and only got a scratch, we were all very surprised I didn't poke my eye out! |
I don't know where this leaves me in the end, or how I really feel about any of it. Mostly confused. I know my God is my provider and better yet, my Healer, so I'm not terribly worried about it. However, I'm also not terribly thrilled with where this is all going with our socialized health care either.
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A perfect solution to the healthcare problem. |
I agree with Amanda. We are on Medicaid because we definitely cannot afford private otherwise for our children. We are fortunate enough as adults to have really good insurance through Ryan's employment. As far as the kids go, we had to go with Medicaid because we definitely cannot afford two kids on his plan, not because we love to spend other people's money. Kids get hurt and it just seemed like the right thing to do for our families financial situation. We don't have a fancy tv, clothes, etc. We do have a nice car but we bought it used and paid well under its value. Plus, it's all around very reliable and safe and if you ask me, with kids, that's just what is needed.
ReplyDeleteYes, Medicaid sucks, the system is ridiculous, the paperwork is a pain in the ass, but in the end, we need it, we have it and we're sticking with it until our situation changes. If the benefits to help the US citizens are there, I want to take advantage of them when I need to. I know there are a TON of very bad, bad people out there who completely abuse the whole system but I am thankful it's there because we know what kind of people we are. We pay our taxes, we abide by the laws, we're honest, we just don't make enough for our kids to have private insurance. Because we have medicaid, our kids are healthy, can be seen by their amazing doctor and nurse practitioner and we can afford their prescriptions so they can get better sooner and head back to school to learn and grow!
As far as the new health care goes, to be honest, I am for it. And not for myself either. I feel sooooo much better knowing that sick kids all over the US are finally able to receive care that they need and aren't left to die because their parents (even though they can afford it) cannot even get insurance for them because of their pre-existing conditions. To take that load off of good parents makes me feel soooo much better. Also, I like the idea that people who are now going to be covered can seek preventative care so they can stay well or at least nip things in the bud and if not, get the care they need to get better and not make the rest of us sick.
Okay, so, I hate talking politics because I find myself in such an awkward position (a bit liberal but also religious) and like you not very up to date or too informed. But when I do look into issues that have sparked my interest, I do try to least have some sort of informed opinion because I love the US and I love that I can speak openly (even though I choose not to most of the time.) But that's what so great about this country. Also, when election time comes, I won't need choose based off of who is what but more of who do I think is going to make america better for my kids, who is setting the better example, I try to step back to see the much bigger picture, who stands by their word and if they can't why did they decide differently after all. Other clues to help me decide: where are their funds coming from, who are they mingling with, etc. It's all so complicated and I know I am not going to ever see everything 100% but I can at least give it the best look-see I can.
Please don't hate me.... :D
lol, what in this entire comment would make me hate you katie?! you're hilarious. Vi is also on Medicaid, thank goodness because in her year or so of life between vaccines, ammonia, breathing treatment that was needed, this poison ivy, and other various fevers, we sure have used it! without it i'm not sure what shape she'd be in. once I had her i no longer qualified, or i'd probably still be on it as well. I don't know if the Catholic church is different towards government assistance... and i'm not saying ALL churches are judgmental about it. I just know that a lot of them are.
DeleteOverall, I'm still undecided on it, mostly because it is in fact a pretty big tax, and i don't like that all the people in charge want to be exempt. i feel like most parents could get their kids on medicaid the way the system is now, it's just people like us that don't get covered. anyway, i appreciate your feedback!
I was under the impression that the whole exemption thing was a hoax (started back and nixed back in 2010). Congress, etc, I would assume those individuals already have insurance so how would they become exempt anyways? And those who can afford insurance but don't have it will be penalized, not taxed. But as I type this, I honestly have to wonder what's the difference between a penalty and a tax? Where the money goes? I have no idea.
DeleteI'm certainly not out to make enemies of people I enjoy being around and I hope what I am saying doesn't tarnish relationships. Like I said, I'm not a fan of talking politics because in the past whenever I've been involved in this sort of thing it always turns ugly. I understand that everyone has their sources and prefer to form their opinions based off of those they trust. I certainly don't want to make you feel as if I am disrespectful. I very much respect your opinions and values. I also feel that people should feel comfortable expressing themselves and share their knowledge. It's definitely think it's healthy and I think that by doing so we're helping eachother instead of hurting eachother. Nobody gets anywhere trying to shove opinions down peoples throats and expect them to all of a sudden submit and agree.
Okay, I'm done. Wine time!
First of all, I'm glad you mentioned my comments because that's exactly what I was thinking AGAIN. It seriously INFURIATES me that anyone would look down upon ANYONE for using medicaid. Are you working? Yes. Are you trying your hardest? Yes. Are you perfect? No. Why is there sin in using government assistance when you're one of the people who truly need it? And don't EVEN get me started on the "but most people abuse it" argument. No. Most people do not. Some do, yes. And it sucks that those few people are ruining it for everyone else. But that can be said for just about anything. I very much consider myself a libertarian, so by definition I don't really love the gov's involvement, but I also don't pretend to have all the answers. I certainly not saying it's any where close to being a perfect system, but something has to be done, and this is what we have for right now. So for crying out loud, USE IT! (Look what you did... Got me all fired up...)
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I LOVE that ecards. Makes me laugh every time.
i thought that ecards was so amazing to post on here!
Deleteand exactly, i don't love the governments involvement, but i don't have a great plan either. like i stated, i'm just curious how all this will affect ME? call me selfish, but are we going to have to pay a huge fine because Medicaid in Kansas won't accept us because they didn't accept the federal funding and we still can't afford insurance? If so, the plan still isn't working... cause then we'd have huge medical bills on top of fines- no help. and sorry i got you all fired up, i just saw that link today about kansas and i thought... oh... hmmm... now what?
Sorry to butt back in...You're reply had me do some checking up and now I see what you are saying.
DeleteThis is what I read, "Those who currently receive Medicaid won't be impacted much by health care reform. It's less certain after Thursday's ruling, however, whether all states will expand the program come 2014.
Initially, health care reform mandated that states expand Medicaid coverage or lose federal funding for the program. The new Medicaid guidelines were to expand coverage to anyone under 65 whose income was up to 133% of the federal poverty level by 2014.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court struck down that provision, saying it should be up to the states to decide whether or not they want to expand the program, without any threat of losing federal funding.
"This is the one piece that impacts some individuals," said Ageloff. "If a state decides not to expand the program, some individuals now may not be able to get Medicaid coverage."
I see how this might concern you now. I guess it's just one of those sit back and wait to see what happens kind of things. What's happening isn't set in stone and whenever you get the chance speak and be heard because that's how things get rolling!
Haha, no need to be sorry! I like having these conversations, I just so worked up when people judge someone, especially when it comes to financial situation and need. Unless someone is going to provide you with private insurance themselves, they have no opinions in the matter. And no one knows what anyone else's situation is. Just because someone is on medicaid and has a nice car and a new phone doesn't mean they're making bad financial situations for their family... Maybe they were gifts, maybe they were.. Wait... Who the heck cares? Why do I get to decide how someone else lives their life?? Oh right, I don't... Dang it, Sasha... I did it again... All I came back on here to say was this: Don't let fear of the naive or judgmental influence the decision of what is best for your family. Only you, Tyler and God get to do that.