So I know this may come as a HUGE surprise to most people...but I hate shopping. Clothes shopping that is. I don't mean like, "oh I just feel so fat" or "it takes me forever to pick something" or other things I hear some women say... I mean, I hate every single thing about it. I hate trying on clothes, I hate looking when I know I won't like anything, I hate the smell (don't pretend you don't know about the clothes department smells), I hate walking by store fronts and feeling so confused at what people are willing to buy in the name of "fashion", shoot, I even hate having to walk by (or *gasp!* sometimes even into) the stores and having to THINK about shopping. What I hate most, is spending one cent of our money towards something I don't care for, especially when there are SO SO many things I enjoy spending money on. Namely music. However, because I do in fact prefer wearing something rather than walking around naked, inevitably I have to go shopping for clothes...sometimes. I dread these moments in my life with a passion.
A week or so ago my mother-n-law informed me she had a coupon for some percent off of total at Kohl's and asked if I needed anything. I said no. To which my husband replied "Sasha, you have ONE pair of jeans, go get some freaking clothes" Whatever. Fine. I couldn't deny it was somewhat easier to start the process when I knew someone else was willing to buy the clothes for me. I got a pair of jeans, and was ready to go. My mother-n-law insisted we should get more, and I said I was fine, but she kept insisting. Ok, I think, I'll go grab a couple guy t-shirts and THEN we can go. Not so easy. She wanted to at least get me a couple women's shirts. I must say, I was fairly surprised when she picked up a couple pieces that I thought looked comfortable, and wearable. Granted, they were flannel shirts... I am ALL about flannel. A couple years ago I bought a brown flannel shirt in the men's department at Walmart for a cowboy costume at the daycare I was working at. I realized I loved the shirt and much to Tyler's dismay, I kept wearing it. I personally thought it was the most wonderful shirt I had ever owned.
best shirt ever and best dog ever.
I'm not sure what happened to that shirt, but I'm fairly certain Tyler got rid of it. So, a flannel shirt in the women's department? Yeah, I'm down. Not only was it flannel, but it had little flowers or something when you rolled up the sleeves to prove it was a women's shirt. I really don't see what the big difference is besides the not so noticeable flowers, but apparently this one is "tyler approved" as well as "women's department" approved. Anyway, needless to say, I own a new flannel shirt, I'm happy about it, and I had to go shopping to get it. I feel all grown up and responsible.