So last night I made a Facebook update and mentioned that I should start hashtagging; '#thelifeofanextremeextrovert'. The problem with that, is I typically just use hashtags as sarcasm, and don't really care to stop using the space bar.
I was in the nap room today...I really don't like being in the nap room, all that time having to sit quietly as the kids are resting, but it can also be a very productive time. Today in the nap room, I wrote out random thoughts that came to me about my life as an extreme extrovert. I say extreme, and I believe anyone who knows me would agree, but here's a few thoughts I had on the matter.
This is my only 'bride' photo from my wedding. It sums me up pretty nicely. Also, most introverts I know take really nice photos, I love taking lots of silly photos...I think it's fun.
My Life as an Extrovert:
- I've poured my heart out to people that I'm not even sure I trust with it- usually because I can't seem to stop the words from coming. "Stop mouth! Stop moving!" I call it, "word vomiting".
- Sometimes it's hard to sleep at night because the quiet is so overwhelmingly deafening. I long for rain to lull me to sleep, as my husband has no control over silencing the weather.
- Sometimes people think I'm 'needy'. I can't really argue because it's kind of true...just don't leave me alone! Quit calling me needy.
- I feel guilty about coming across as vain, I truly care deeply for others, and I wish I could shut up for longer periods to truly listen. But I get too nervous if others don't start talking quickly enough and start talking about myself again. Kind of like I'm doing right now....
- I might have an activity that I'm going to by myself, but if there are other people there, I will have made a friend before I left. It just happens. Here is a picture of me with a girl who would look like my BFF...I met her at the beginning of the race, and she was awesome.
- I wish I could hide when something is wrong...but if I'm thinking about it, and am remotely quiet, people start asking 'What's wrong?'...and I of course talk about it....because..
- I process everything externally. Everything that needs processing in anyway, gets talked to's just how I resolve things in my mind. Thanks for helping me with that.
- For everything I say...there's hundreds of thoughts bouncing around that I didn't say.
- When I'm nervous...I talk more...which is the last thing I usually should be doing.
I often lay awake at night regretting things I've said. Or wondering if I was understood, or if I should be apologizing, or should I try to explain more...? No, no more words are necessary...wait...maybe a few.
Sometimes being an extrovert is draining, as I don't know when to stop and ret. However, that doesn't mean I want to be alone by any means, but rather with just a smaller group...or just my husband.
When I want to 'be alone', I mean, be with my husband...who is an introvert. When he wants to be alone, he wants to be alone. It's kind of annoying.
I don't understand introverts, I love them, and am so thankful to have them as my friends, but I don't understand them. There, I said it. I kind of think you're a bunch of weirdos...especially Tyler.