Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pull Yourself Together!

So most anyone who knows me, knows I am, like most females, rather emotional.  However, I hate 'sad' emotions.  When people cry, or are sad, I either don't know what to say, avoid them, act really awkward, or try to (if it's appropriate) cheer them up.  I especially enjoy trying to cheer people up. If I'm upset, or my feelings are hurt... 90% of the time I instead show anger... which is not conducive to most relationships.   I show lots of joy, anger, frustration, silliness, sarcasm... I display a full array of emotions, but boy oh boy, do I hate crying.  I know that most people do.. but I've somehow really trained myself to avoid crying for the most part.  I'm not pregnant anymore, so I feel like I should be done with any kind of crying.
"Oh no!" She has no problem showing her emotions, almost started crying because of paint on her knee!

These kids however, might do me in with that.  These little humans, who are cute as heck, yet can be annoying as all get out with their crying, and needing me, and whining, and potty training (or lack there of...) but it doesn't matter if they can be annoying, I just love them so dang much that I can get all emotional. Dang kids sneaking in and pulling that one on me.

So Calista shared this today, and it was great.  I have to admit I almost quit watching it the second it seemed to get "emotional" but I'm glad I did.  There's been those couple of times I stood on the other side of a door, shed a couple tears, pulled up my sleeves, opened the door to go back in to the screaming child.


  Alright folks, that as much as you're going to get for me admitting my rather emotional side. Don't expect this to lead to me wanting to cry around you or admit my emotions much in person, because I'm still far from that!

1 comment:

  1. I can't even count the number of times I've stood outside the door waiting, praying, and yes, sometimes crying before heading back in the room to my child. You are called and equipped by our loving, mighty God!
