Thursday, September 4, 2014

On not being Super mom

I think I pretty much have the best kids in the world.  They're beautiful, fun, adventurous and silly.  One is girly, the other...well....I guess the fact that he likes to be punched in the face is 'manly'.    I know that the fact they are mostly well behaved has been a result of Tyler and I's consistent parenting.   
That being said, there are many times that I am not engaging, entertaining, guiding, or correcting my children.  I think in the social media world it can make it look like some people, myself included, are always doing all these awesome projects with our kids, or at least engaged with them.  On Facebook, I share pictures of my kids at the park, painting, going on trips, playing together and with me.   While we do these things, there is OH so much time where my kids are playing independently.  Today I came home from work, cuddled with my son and did a couple 'I Love You' rituals, then played with him and his sister for awhile.   We built with blocks, read books, danced...and then I said "ok, mommy is done", and let them play on their own.  
Z being on his own reading a book.
Why am I even writing about this?  Because almost every mom I know at some point or another feels guilty about how they are mothering.  We think we should be doing more, teaching them more, loving them more...and you know what?  We're doing just fine.   
I want to tell you what I did after I said 'mommy is done'...I sat down and read for a few minutes, then started this blog.   Another trap to get into: feeling like you should ALWAYS be busy.  There are days when I AM always busy, just because there are things to be done: vacuuming, dishes, dusting, laundry, shopping... we have an impressive list that could go on and on.   I don't feel like doing any of that right now though.   I vacuumed, swept, and did dishes yesterday.   Today, I sit.  
V on her own daydreaming while gazing out the window.
I'm not purposefully doing much of anything besides writing this blog and listening to my kids.  I could probably look up lots of blogs about how to discipline, love, guide, teach, engage, encourage, or even how to sleep my children better.  But today, at least in this moment, I am content...dare I say confident... in my mothering.  My kids are safe.  My kids are loved.  My kids are being independent.
So to any moms out there who might be having a day where you aren't feeling so confident, just remember:  your kids are safe, your kids are're doing a great job.     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sasha! I'm Heather and I wanted to know if you could answer a question about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
